Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Traumatic Brain Injury: The Silent Killer

Hello all,
One of this videos has a fixed link on this page under the slideshow. Both stories are heartbreaking. Is it because of lack of awareness? Together, we have to educate and bring awareness on brain injuries to our communities. It is not only within the military. As you can see in these 2 stories, it affects both military and civilians. Stories like this should not happen. If you know a survivor, take care of him/her, be a good company. If you are a caregiver, remember to take care of yourself too. If you are a medical provider treating brain injuries, all I ask if for you to care and be compassionate. I know it is hard to live witha Brain Injury survivor. Imagine loosing one. Together, we can bring change, hope, and light to so many lives. I want to thank you for your support and help in getting the word out. God Bless you all.


  1. So sad.. both stories. As a suicide survivor myself, I can tell you first hand that the brain and suicide are inextricably intertwined. If the brain is not functioning properly from TBI or depression or concussions or is going to effect the behavior, the emotions the etire functioning. WHEN WILL THIS BE RECOGNIZED?? We can only keep spreading the word! Thanks for doing so.

  2. So glad that some good may come out of that poor boy's death.
