Thursday, July 15, 2010

Key #3: Goal Setting

Hello again!!! I hope everybody is doing good today. Here is the third part of the series of successful recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury. All I will mention here is based on my personal experience as a patient.
Before I go into the subject I want to mention real fast about me and this blog. One of the areas less affected with my BI is writing. That is the reason I started this blog. It began with the desire to help others and at the same time I used it as therapy to strengthen my writing skills. It does take me hours to write every post. Since I still have trouble with attention, concentration, and mental endurance I have to write a little bit then put it down rest and repeat the cycle again several times until is completed. After I feel is completed I use third parties to ensure is grammatically correct and that it's coherent. If there are any corrections I get told about it and I fix them myself. This helps tremendously in my recovery.
So, back into subject. Goal setting... At the beginning of my rehabilitation during my different therapy sessions nobody ever told me about goal setting. This first 5 months were at a military medical facility. It felt like I was attending the therapy but didn't know which direction I was heading. I went through every exercise just doing them by the numbers without knowing clearly what I was trying to achieve. At this point the providers might have had an idea of goals but it was never communicated to me. I was not part of my treatment team.
Later, as I began in Mentis, I observed that they would include me on the treatment plan. They made me feel that I was not only a subject but I was the center of my rehabilitation. At the beginning they discussed what were my goals, they asked what my plans for the future were and what I wanted the therapies to focus. They asked what skills I needed to perform my job in the military and also they asked for a job description. All this allowed the rehab treatment to be tailored to my needs. The goals covered from treating the obvious impairments to retraining the brain to perform daily living tasks and to perform job related skills. All the goals were clearly outlined and explained. They briefed me on exactly what I needed to accomplish in all different sessions. These goals are revisited at the most every 30 days and some times more frequent than that. The path I had to walk was very clear and I knew exactly where I was heading. All the goals are attainable.
Besides these rehab treatment goals being briefed and discussed, in Speech Therapy they actually taught me how to set goals for myself. Even on my life out of rehab I have to create short and long term goals in order to accomplish even simple achievements. It is extremely important for me to set goals for my day to day living. Being able to see a clear path is crucial in achieving success. It also helps to maintain an organized life, it gives a clear direction.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog and thank you for sharing. Goal setting can be very difficult for people and families when brain injury is involved. Here's a great link to more goal setting info that you might find useful: It is occupational therapy practices.
